Meet the Moldenhauer’s!

The Community House is one of the most successful shelters geared towards helping struggling families and newly recovering addicts experiencing homelessness. Through their emergency housing facilities, mental health servicers, case managers, housing specialists and peer advocates this shelter has the highest success rate in aiding chronically homeless thrive and become successful citizens in our community.
This organization changed my life and the life of my family. With no doubt the foundation in which we grow today was only built thanks to the amazing support and encouragement from the staff.
My trauma started as a child who grew up in several foster homes, was abused, molested and beaten by the very family that was meant to protect me. I was able to run from a severe domestic situation with my 2 sons, that's when I met my husband. We went on to have 3 daughters together in another chaotic home. The breaking point was when we arrived in 2016, we had just been evicted after 3 years of renting our home in kelso, relapsed due to depression, and were on the brink of losing everything. Upon arriving, the staff made sure we felt welcomed and loved. They gave us hope that things would get better and started us on our journey to healing, a journey that would last 7 months at the shelter and continue for several years as tenants in their housing program.
Thanks to the guidance of Community House and Core Health we are now thriving. As the graduates of their programs, both mental health and housing, we are now proud owners of our first home, both working, and avid volunteers giving back to this community. My husband Jacob has been with his employer since 2017, our children are all thriving in school, church and sports, and Ive returned to my passions working with kids while also advocating for others overcoming traumas as I have. I was elected to the Longview School board, Highlands Association Board, PTO President for our kids school, and many other volunteer ventures.
Everyday I thank God for these opportunities that I now have, and I thank Community House for setting the boundaries that enabled me to become the person God had intended. This is our success story because Community House was there over the fire offering a hand with accountability and expectations.



Meet Rachel!


Meet Madison!