Meet Genessa!

Meet Genessa!

In early 2018 I was a single mom, homeless, and living in my car with two-year-old twins while in active addiction. I was contacted by the police one evening while trying to find a place for myself and my twins to sleep. The officer involved stated my kids would need to go to a relatives that night or they would call CPS. I was scared to lose my twins since I had already lost custody of my oldest son. The following day I went into CORE Health in full crisis mode.

CORE Health was able to get me in without the hour to assess my situation. They recommended I go to the Community House on Broadway for shelter and support services. After suffering years with addiction, homelessness, mental health illness and abusive relationships, I was unsure of the services they would provide. I knew I needed to make a change, not just for me but especially my kids.

With the support from Community House on Broadway and CORE Health I was able to stabilize my mental health, get into stable housing outside of the shelter as well as find a job. Over the next few years I worked hard at maintaining my sobriety. I now have
re-established my relationship with my family as well as custody of my oldest son.

Today I have the opportunity to be hired as an employee at CORE Health. I am currently the research coordinator for research study we are part of to help gather information on programs and services we may be able to provide in the future. I am very honored to be part of a team that continues to touch so many lives in so many ways.

-Genessa G.


Meet Matthew!


Meet Virgil!