Meet Christina!
My name is Christina Stops, I'm 36 years old and I have five children. I came to the Community House on Broadway July 13, 2023. Before coming to the Community House, I was at Mountain Ministries; I came to Mountain Ministries 2019: prior to that I came from Montana and I was a mess, I was addicted to meth and drinking, cocaine. November 25, 2019 is my clean date. During my time at mountain ministries I gave my life to Jesus Christ. I graduated from the program in 2020 and chose to stay and give my time to serving the ministry. I truly enjoyed being staff, intake coordinator and teaching. It was a huge blessing to be part of something I felt I had purpose and I felt a fulfillment for helping others. I moved away from mountain ministries in January 2023. We stayed in Stanwood for six months before realizing it wasn't the place for my children and I. My mental health wasn't the best and at that point I felt like I had nothing to show for; especially for the amount of time I had been sober which brought me to the community House, I had always heard stories of it but never knew anything about it, coming into the community house I wasn't sure what to expect, and my time at the community house changed my life, i learned of this whole community of staff who only wanted the best for me. I had gone through a tough season while at the Community House, I had so many trust issues at that time, my church family (Church Of Truth) was a huge support during that time and I believe God used the people of the Community House to let my guard down to trust the staff during a hard season. Life was tough at the time and I'll tell you what if it wasn't for the foundation I was building on Jesus Christ, I probably would have gone back into addiction: I had four years of recovery at this time but today I now have five years in recovery. During this time I have been considered homeless for four years; we lived at a ministry, friends house and the Community House. Going through the shelter has changed our lives as a family, they really helped me stay on my toes...not that having five kids didn't but the fact that every one of the children have a mental health counselor and peer support counselor has made a difference. I was in the Community House for fourteen months before my family and I were moved into the Country Run Apartments. Community House not only provided me with warm meals daily and a safe place to sleep every night, but they also provided me with Mental Health Services, Peer Support, Supportive Employment, Supportive Housing, and Case Management. My Mental Health Clinician has supported me in listening to me and allowing me a safe place to speak. My Peer support has helped me dig deep into myself by helping through some unforgiveness I was holding on to and encouraged me to put in a resume with the Community House. Supportive Employment has helped me obtain a part-time job with Youth and family link but six months later has helped me with updating my resume to obtain a full-time job with CHOB. Supportive Housing has helped me obtain residency with the Country Run Apartments. My Case Manager assisted me with encouragement and hard truths and it always made me want to give it my best every day. The Staff at the Community House are nothing but supportive and everyday they chose to come to work to make a difference. I tell people all the time about the Community House and how it has changed my life, I am so positive about where life is at right now, I am so excited to see where it takes my family and we are truly grateful for The Community House on Broadway. It's truly a blessing to be part of the team and to help others succeed.